Levi's Station to Station IoT

Challenge // How does an iconic brand like Levi's stay true to their heritage while embracing modern social channels and technology?
Solution // We took 4 classic objects, a 1939 Graflex camera, a 1953 Bolex 8mm camera, a 1901 Underwood typewriter, and a 1953 Gibson guitar, and gave them new life by putting them in the hands of influencers on Doug Aitken's "Station to Station" cross country train and connecting them to social media. The cameras posted to Instagram, the typewriter to Twitter, and the guitar to Soundcloud.
Role // I was brought in by Fakelove to creative direct the objects. I curated, sourced, and helped design the devices as well as helping to define the UX and tech flow for each device. Additionally I brought in a developer to help hack Instagram once it was determined that they would not allow us to use their restricted API.
Results // This project won two Cannes Cyber Lions; a Silver and Bronze. 2.3MM Social Impressions 433MM Global Media Impressions