Challenge // How does Nike take the Presto shoe and launch an entire line around it for the Asian market?
Solution //  We created an interactive gamified version of a catalog that featured 360° photos of our models in all possible combinations of the entire line. Each model started in their underwear and users could add products and rotate the models as they unlocked game pieces. Once all pieces were collected they unlocked exclusive content. Each image was divided into three parts and could be rotated independently so the results were often very amusing while giving users the ability to see all sides of the products. We shot about 1,500 photos per model (for a grand total of 9,000 images) to achieve all possible combinations and rotations.
Role // As founder of the interactive design firm C404 I conceived of the idea, sold it to our clients, and lead the production.
Results // The project successfully launched the Presto line in the Asian market and helped build buzz around the products. This was the second Nike project that my firm worked on.